You are Worthy…
There are just some things that no one can prepare you for while you are grieving. Like going through your loved one’s things.
Like the grief itself, words seem to fail. Excruciating, mind numbing, overwhelming, aching, crying and suddenly laughing all at the same time.
John was a collector: baseball cards, pens, watches, Bibles, Apple tech to name a few. Who gets what? Who would really love it? Who might just put it in a drawer.
This week, I continued tackling the garage. We have boxes of photos stashed there. Some are neatly arranged in boxes and some are in envelopes and some are tossed in loose. I decided to take on the box marked “yearbooks”, assuming I would take out a few pages and throw away the rest.
There was an envelope stuck to the inside of this box. It was a personally typed letter from the President of Eden Theological Seminary dated January, 1966.(Yes, it’s still there!). In that letter, he wrote that John’s pastor had recommended him to the seminary as “an outstanding young person in your community whom he would like to have think of the Christian ministry as a life’s work. I respect your pastor’s judgment highly, and I want to congratulate you upon having made such a fine impression on him.”
John always shared in his testimony that he was called to ministry early but judged himself unworthy. It took another 25 years and a bumpy road to get there, but in 1991, John finally listened to that call from God and he started CR.
And, he still felt unworthy.
But thousands of lives have been changed!
So many of us judge ourselves unworthy and we keep backing away from the commitment to serve God.
What is holding you back?