God’s promise: “I will give you back your health again, and heal your wounds.” (Jeremiah 30:17)
This week, I prayed in front of a very ordinary, not very new, larger than we needed, white board.
John bought it because keeping track of doctor appointments and tests started getting overwhelming during his immunotherapy treatments. We didn’t include the other dates on our calendars, but we did write our family gatherings in big letters as a reminder of blessings in the midst of hardships.
But I erased some of the last things John wrote on that board as I started working on the widows’ zoom groups. I know there are computer programs for this; my daughter has already started one. I just wanted to honor his legacy and use the white board since that’s how we made plans and looked at important dates when Celebrate Recovery started.
Beginning Life’s Healing Choices Grief Groups in the midst of a hard season has already been such a blessing. I’ve heard from amazing, inspirational facilitators/leaders and men and women who want to participate in these groups.
Please continue to share this with people who need to move forward.